Monday, November 19, 2007


You should regularly wash your front lace wig to keep them clean and to make them last longer. Clean wigs are also easier to maintain and style than wigs that need washing. Generally, you should wash them every two weeks or when you notice the wig has lost its bounce or sheen. Front lace wigs that are made of 100% natural hair can be washed with any shampoo. After you wash your wig, apply moisturizing conditioner so that the hair strands will become soft and manageable. Conditioned hair is easier to untangle and looks shiny and beautiful. You can place the wig in a zip lock plastic and pour conditioner inside. You can keep it there for a few hours to let the conditioner sip in the hair strands. Because the hair is no longer attached to the roots and the scalp of the hair, the hair strands will not get any nourishment and require conditioning to keep them silky soft. Be sure to rinse the hair thoroughly and dry it by gently tapping the towel on the hair while it is on a wig stand. Comb the hair gently starting from the ends up to the top of the wig.

Looking for the best quality lace front wigs or full lace wig, please visit us

We have the most affordable and best quality lace front wigs on the net.

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